Sunday, October 01, 2006


The construction of the new western library, which has been held up due to litigation, will be finished at some future date.

With a “significant decrease” in non-resident card users in the past few years, according to City Manager Leif Ahnell, the City Counsel voted to set fees of $100 for a non-resident individual library card, and $`75 for a non-resident family library card.

Non-residents have been paying $150 for a library card but it costs city residents $161 in taxes to get the same services. Dorothy Gunn, a 5-year member of the Library Adivsory Board in Boca Raton and LAB liaison to the Friends of the Library Boards says that public libraries should be free. Ahnell said the cost of a non-resident card was $35 in 1999, $40 in 2000, $50 om 2001 and 2002, $65 in 2003 and 2004, and $150 in 2005. Tax payments cover the cost of a library card for residents.

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